Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

Button - Scripture

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

Button - The People

Please pray for the people of Kenya. Kenya is a large country in East Africa and has many Christians. Many people there speak both English and Swahili. Please pray for a great revival to break out in Kenya and that as many people as possible will become devoted followers of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Button - The Power Of Internet

We have many resources to help you learn from the Bible if you click here. In this section, the Bible section of, we have an online Bible so you can read the Bible and search through it on your computer. We have 6 Bible Studies that you can take, one on each of the 6 Keys to Christian growth. And we have a video series by Dorman Followill of 1 to 2 minutes each about each of the books that are in the Bible.

Each week we are looking at one of the 6 Keys to Christian Growth. This week is Key 4 — the Bible.

The Bible is God’s Word. The Bible can be “a lamp for your feet and a light to your path.” God through the Bible can lead you and guide you. You can learn about God through the Bible and how to live a godly life.

The Bible is a book that is inspired by God. There are two main parts to the Bible. The Old Testament tells the story of God’s dealings with mankind, largely the nation of Israel, before Jesus Christ came to earth. The New Testament tells the story of Jesus Christ and His early followers — the first church.

If you have never read the Bible, a great place to start is in the New Testament. There are four gospels in the New Testament — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — that tell the story of Jesus and His life here on earth. There you will learn about Jesus and His saving love for you — how He lived and died on our planet earth and rose again. It is a great idea to read the Bible every day — for it gives you spiritual food just like you get physical food every day. The Bible is God’s Word and can give you spiritual strength as you read it and learn from it and memorize it and put it into practice in your life every day.

So this week, let us pray that

  • God will teach you how to live a Christian life through His holy Word the Bible
  • God will protect our staff at Global Media Outreach and help us to be filled with His joy and peace and love
  • God will provide financially both for you and your family and also for our ministry

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, you become part of a worldwide family of true Christians. We are brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

May God bless you and your family,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

Button - Responses

This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

"I need to know more about Christ; please help me!" A, Brazil


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