Each week we are looking at one of the 6 Keys to Christian Growth. This week is Key 5 — the church. The church is the “body of Christ.” All of us who have truly accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord are part of Christ’s body here on earth. We are a community of Christians — the “family of God.” Who is in this community? It is people all over the world — people from every country — men and women, old and young. As part of God’s family when we have accepted Christ, we are brothers and sisters together. It is extremely important for your growth as a Christian that you meet regularly with other Christians. If you have a good Christian church near you, you should try to go each week. You can learn from the teaching; meet other Christians who can encourage you; pray with others; and worship God together. If there is no church you can attend, often there may be a small group of Christians who you can meet together with. You can also connect with other Christians online. At Global Media Outreach we have thousands of volunteers who are strong Christians who you can email with and who can pray with you and answer your questions online. We encourage you to spend time with other Christians as much as possible. God can also use you to be a blessing to others. So this week, let us pray that - God will help you be connected with a good church if possible
- God will fill our staff at Global Media Outreach with His Holy Spirit each and every day
- God will help all who become Christians through this ministry to get connected to church where they can grow in their faith
Church is important. I will pray that God will help you find a good group of Christians who can support you and help you grow in your Christian life. THANK YOU so much for your prayers. We are brothers and sisters together in Jesus Christ. Someday we may meet in heaven; for right now we can worship God in our separate locations all around the earth. May God bless you, Your friends at Global Media Outreach |
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