Each week we are looking at one of the 6 Keys to Christian Growth. This week we are looking at Key 6: Sharing your faith. If you are a Christian, what is the best thing that has happened to you? It is receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior and being given the gift of eternal life. What is the best thing you could do for someone else? It is to help them to know Jesus Christ. How can you do this? There are 3 simple steps: Pray, Prepare, and Go. First, you can pray for those around you who do not know Jesus Christ. Pray that God will draw them to Himself and they will see the light of Christ. Second, prepare; be ready to tell them about Jesus. You can tell them how Christ has changed your life, and that He died for their sins and they can receive Him. Third, go. Go and tell people about Jesus. Be sensitive to who may be open to God. You can also send them an evangelistic email that will share Christ with them. It is not so important that you say things perfectly; you won’t. But pray that God will use what you say to bring people around you to Jesus Christ. So this week, let us pray that - God will save your friends and family and loved ones and those around you.
- God will help our staff team here at Global Media Outreach to be filled with His Spirit and joy
- God will help us see millions of people this year pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior
You can email us by hitting “reply” to one of these prayer letters and tell us any response you get if you try to reach someone else for Jesus Christ. We would love to hear from you! Also, this coming week, we are adding several new online chat Bible Studies. If you’re looking for a way to connect with other Christians while studying the Bible, online Bible study chat is for you. These “virtual home groups” take one hour each week and focus on Bible study, key truths about the Christian life while allowing you to connect with other believers and be a part of Christian community. These community groups are free. The new times are: - Monday, 2:30am UTC (10:30 pm *Sunday* Eastern Standard Time, USA)
- Tuesday, 6:00pm UTC (2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, USA)
- Wednesday, 9:00pm UTC (5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, USA)
- Thursday, 2:30pm UTC (10:30 am Eastern Standard Time, USA)
- Friday, 4:00am UTC (11:00 pm *Thursday* Eastern Standard Time, USA)
To sign up, just go here. For chat attendees in the USA, note the new times! (Daylight savings time has shifted them forward one hour). THANK YOU so much for your prayers. May God bless you, Your friends at Global Media Outreach |