Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

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“Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.” Psalm 96:9

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Please pray for the people of Canada. Canada has over 30 million people and is one of the largest — and coldest — nations on earth. Canada has a Christian heritage, but today there is much materialism. Please pray that a tremendous revival would sweep through Canada and that the whole country would turn to God.

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Click here to watch “10 Things Every New Believer Needs to Know.” These 10 short lessons by Jim Denison — about 2 minutes each — can help give you 10 keys to success in your Christian life.

Let us seek to be holy people as Christians.

How can we be holy? We are certainly to avoid sin. Does this mean that we should have no contact with sinful people, or with the world around us?

It is a great mystery and wonder, but God said He would send His Holy Spirit to live in us as believers. So we can have holiness — God’s purity and love and spirit — in our hearts, even when we live in the middle of a world with sin and problems.

So, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we are not to leave this world — we are to be vessels of God’s saving grace and love to those around us. This does not mean you should be tempted, or put yourself in positions where sin is going on. It does mean that even in a world that is often far from God, we can let the love of Christ shine.

So this week, let us pray that

  • God will keep you from temptation — and that you will live filled with God’s holiness
  • God will help you be a shining light of Christ’s love to those around you
  • God will fill our staff at Global Media Outreach with His Holy Spirit all day every day

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. We are brothers and sisters in the family of God with all true believers in Christ — and are bound together in His love.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

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This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

"Its really wonderful belonging to the Lord. Knowing you have a heavenly father who cares despite my rebellious attitude He still calls me back to Him." S, Cameroon


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