Trust and obey. When we follow Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord we have the great privilege of trusting and obeying Him. God is ultimately trustworthy. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” When we trust Him with our lives, God will lead and guide us into all righteousness. Is it hard to trust God? Sometimes we are used to having our own way and being in control — and we need to learn to “give the steering wheel” over to God. Should we obey Him? Absolutely yes. We can ask God to help us listen and obey Him by the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. God loves us and knows what is best for us. If He says turn left, we should turn left. God instructs us by His Word, the Bible, and by His Holy Spirit. Let us seek in all our lives to trust Him with all our hearts — and listen to and obey His Word. This week, can you please pray - For God to lead and guide you as you seek to follow His will
- That all our staff team at GMO will hear God’s voice and know His will and do it
- That God would help us reach and disciple many more people for Christ
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your prayers. We are so in need of God’s blessing and moving in our lives. We really appreciate your prayer support of us. May God bless you, Your friends at Global Media Outreach |
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