Tuesday, July 29, 2008


30 Day Next Steps


What actually happens when I commit to following Jesus?

This is a tremendously important question. Most of us have very incomplete knowledge of what's involved in the transformed life at the time of our decision to follow Christ. But it is essential that we quickly grow in that understanding.

According to the Bible we are "born again" when we take certain steps in faith:

  • Acknowledge we have been separated from God -- living independently from Him -- and repent for staying separated. ("Repent" means to stop and completely change direction.)
  • Turn toward God and away from our former way of living
  • Personally, and verbally, ask Jesus Christ to be our Savior -- receiving Him as the One who by His death, burial and resurrection made it possible to come back to God
  • Give ourselves fully to Him, recognizing that Jesus is Lord -- the One who is entitled to all authority in our lives

This act of believing, the term used most commonly in the New Testament, is not merely mental assent but actively inviting Jesus to be our Savior and Lord with all our heart and strength. Passion is permissible!

As mentioned earlier, I reached this point of commitment after years of trying to make it on my own. I finally came to the end of myself -- and reached out to Jesus. I became a believer. I was "born again." I experienced a fresh start, a new beginning.

Though observable changes didn't take place immediately, I can look back now to see a process of gradual change -- one that began a major shift in the entire direction of my life. In a word: transformed!

Here are some of the ways the Bible describes transformation:

Out of Darkness Into Light (1 Peter 2:9)
Out of Bondage Into Freedom (Romans 8:21)
Out of Death Into Life (Romans 6:13)

On day one after your commitment to follow Jesus you may not feel any different. Don't let your feelings obscure this one major fact: a huge transition has taken place! It will take time -- maybe a lifetime -- to fully appreciate the ramifications of turning your life over to Christ -- both now and for eternity. It still overwhelms me to realize that God Himself met me as a lost, self-willed, and self-sufficient young man. The Author of all creation reached out to me, accepted me into His family and showed me His unconditional love. And that love has never diminished for a single moment since.

Don't be discouraged if you don't see the evidence right away. Stand your ground. You have embarked on a new journey. You are a new person with a new, transformed life. Your adventure of following Jesus has just begun.

Key Scripture Therefore if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Key Thought My life has changed -- forever.
For more resources to help you grow as a Christian, you can go to www.LookToJesus.com
Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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