Thursday, July 31, 2008


30 Day Next Steps


How do I respond to God?

From the moment we begin to grasp just how much God loves us, a deep desire wells up within us to love Him in return.

Suppose as you were walking in a dense forest, you strayed off the path and lost your way. Night falls and it becomes dark and cold. You have no food or water. Danger lurks from forest animals. You frantically stumble ahead in the darkness, with no sense of direction. Fear gnaws at you: "I may never make it back to safety."

Just as all hope is fading, your frantic eyes see a dim light in the distance. Suddenly you realize, "Someone is searching for me!" The light grows brighter. It's coming your way. You call out, "Here I am!" The reply comes back: "Keep calling!" Moments later your rescuer appears in the unmistakable uniform of a forest ranger -- one who knows the deep woods and the way home. By the dim light, you study his kind and fatherly face. Steadily he leads you back. As the ranger delivers you to your doorstep, he says, "You're safe now." In sheer relief you respond in the only way you can -- with profound gratitude. "How can I ever repay you?" you ask, knowing no payment could ever suffice.

In the very same way our heavenly Father has rescued us. Our condition was more desperate than we could ever know. We couldn't make it on our own. We were groping frantically in complete darkness when He came and personally guided us home. He redeemed us from deadly peril.

Perhaps the Apostle John had such a sense of gratitude when he declared, "We love Him because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

It would not be unusual for you to be harboring distorted images of what your heavenly Father is like. I've had many false images myself -- at different times a "higher power" or a stern judge to be feared. But once I saw His unconditional love for me, a love unaffected by who I was and all I had done, my heart was able to say, "Father, I love you." Amazingly, God not only loves us -- He actually created us so we can love Him in return.

How deeply should we love God? Jesus, who knew the Father intimately, said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30). All our faculties come into play. "All" leaves nothing out. Loving the Father to that degree continues to stretch me, for it means giving all that I am to the One who gave His all for me.

My heart swells -- and I believe so does God's -- when I spontaneously lavish my love upon Him, expressing my affection and gratitude to Him.

Key Scripture At that time you were without Christ ... having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:12,13).
Key Thought I will let these words come easily and often: "Lord, I love You."
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Day 21 - PRAYER

30 Day Next Steps


... by Wendy Beckett

How do I talk with my Father in heaven?

It is a wonderful privilege that we can talk with the Lord of all heaven and earth at any time of the day or night. And we can discuss any subject with Him. We don't need to use formal written prayers -- although if these are more comfortable for us, that's all right.

One day Jesus' disciples asked Him a key question: "Can You teach us how to pray?" They had observed how much time Jesus spent quietly talking with His heavenly Father. The prayer He suggested is a model for us:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be (holy is) Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (Matthew 6:9-13).

This prayer is so helpful because it reverently establishes our focus on our heavenly Father, petitions His intervention in earthly matters, brings before Him our needs for provision, forgiveness and protection, and ends by glorifying Him and His great power.

Just as the psalms of David are great for worship, they are also helpful examples of how we can talk with our heavenly Father. He loves for us to simply come to Him, just as an earthly father delights in his children sitting on his knee, sharing whatever is on their minds.

Many of the psalms are cries to the Lord for help in times of trouble. Psalms 17, 28, 61, 64, 70 and 86 are all examples of David's calling out to the Lord to hear and protect him from his enemies. Sometimes it's clear by the end of the psalm that David knows by faith that the Lord has heard his cry for help.

Here is the key: Talk to Jesus as your best Friend. Begin by thanking and praising Him for His great love for you. Then tell Him your concerns. You can tell Him anything and everything. He already knows so don't worry about shocking Him.

When you know you have disappointed Him, instead of distancing yourself, come immediately to Him and ask for forgiveness. Then take His hand and go on with Him. In prayer you can experience the joy of His comforting arms around you. In response to your prayers, He will forgive, encourage, strengthen and bring clarity to problems. And He will give you His amazing peace.

One of the hardest lessons is learning to listen. You will probably find it difficult to quiet your distracting thoughts enough to hear God's voice. A good way to begin hearing Him speak is through daily reading of the scriptures. It is an excellent way to listen -- and often the result is unexpected answers to some of your questions.

When you have found others who also believe in Jesus, join with them to pray. Hearing others express their hearts to the Lord is a great catalyst to the growth of your own faith. You will soon find yourself looking forward to those times together.

Most important of all, remember that prayer is continual conversation with the One you are learning to love and trust. Just looking up into the sky and smiling at Him or giving your own hand a squeeze -- as if holding the Lord's hand -- can bring you right back into the closeness you need with Him at that moment.

Key Scripture Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer ... with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God (Philippians 4:6).
Key Thought Prayer is conversation with our precious Lord.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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Day 20 - WORSHIP

30 Day Next Steps


Note: The next two studies -- today’s on worship, and tomorrow’s on prayer -- are written by Wendy Beckett, my precious wife of more than 45 years. Wendy has developed a wonderful life of both worship and prayer, and I believe you will appreciate her insights.

Why is it so important for me to praise and worship Jesus?

When believers in Jesus praise and sing to Him, is it because God, the King of the universe, needs human beings to worship Him?  Not really, although we can be sure God delights in our worship.

Actually, what I find is that praise and worship are vitally important to my relationship to Him. Worship enables me to lift my thoughts from myself to my Savior, Friend and Lord, and into a whole new realm. It shifts my focus from my circumstances to His plans.

When we meditate on His goodness, His amazing love, His sacrificial death for us, and His great power in our lives our natural response is to praise and worship Him. Thankfulness spontaneously wells up within us.

David was a great worshiper who became Israel's most outstanding king. The account of his life is found in Old Testament books of First and Second Samuel. From his earliest years we see his heart for worship. As a young shepherd boy, watching his father's flock on the hills surrounding Bethlehem, David expressed his love and gratitude to the Lord. He sang about the beauty of God's creation. He prayed to God when he was in danger. And when the Lord answered and protected him, David expressed thanksgiving and praise through songs and poetry.

The Psalms, many of which were written by David, give us the rich legacy of his worship and deep love for God.

  • The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want [lack anything] (Psalm 23:1)
  • The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? (27:1)
  • Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (29:2)
  • Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised (48:1)
  • Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! (103:1)
  • Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever (107:1)

Here is an approach to worship, based on my experience, which you may find helpful. Early in the morning and before going to sleep at night express your love to the Lord. "Father, I greet you this morning, and thank You for this new day." "Lord, it's been quite a day, but I thank You for Your faithfulness."

As you go about your daily activities be conscious to thank Him, praising Him for Who He is and telling Him you love Him. (Of course, some days you feel more like doing this than others.) Realize that you are on a journey. The more you praise Him throughout the day, the more you will sense His joy and the more you will see things from His perspective. Your daily life will take on a whole new meaning.

Key Scripture Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God (Psalm 147:1).
Key Thought Nothing brings me closer to the Lord than thanking, praising and worshiping Him.
For more resources to help you grow as a Christian, you can go to iChristianLife
Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


How do I stay close to Jesus?

If I could, in the course of these 30 days, leave you with one burning desire, it would be this: To stay closely connected to Jesus. The term used in the Bible is "to abide" with Jesus, which means to remain united with, to stay intimately connected. (A quick note here: when it comes to "abiding" -- staying close to Jesus -- I am still a learner. It's an area where I, and most Christians, need to grow.)

Some will say the key to staying close to Jesus is to learn "doctrine" -- the foundational teachings of the Christian faith. Without question, sound doctrine is important. In its absence, many have gone into error. But as Oswald Chambers points out, "It is possible to know all about doctrine and yet not know Jesus. The soul is in danger when knowledge of doctrine outsteps intimate touch with Jesus" (August 16).

Others will say following Jesus consists of doing good deeds. Again, good deeds are important and God commends them; for example, in Paul's admonishment against idleness: "Brethren, do not grow weary in doing good" (2 Thessalonians 3:13). But our activity can easily become a substitute for "abiding," putting the cart before the horse, for as we'll see, good works flow out of a close relationship with Jesus.

In John's gospel, Chapter 15, Jesus provides a powerful metaphor to describe the intimacy He desires with you:

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing (John 15:4,5).

The branch of a tree is totally dependent upon the trunk for support, nourishment and vitality. From the moment a branch is cut off, it withers and dies. But when properly connected there is a continual life flow. This transmission of energy, strength -- indeed purpose -- is what brings forth "good fruit" -- a fruitful, productive life.

This is the "abiding" relationship Jesus had with His Father. If you follow the pattern He established, you will stay closely connected to Him and to the Father.

  • Jesus trusted completely, confident that the Father knew what was necessary and what was best.
  • Jesus was in continual dialogue, watching and listening for the Father's initiative, then obeying immediately.
  • Jesus enjoyed being in the Father's presence, dwelling securely in His love, care and protection.

Oswald Chambers, quoted earlier, said in his June 14 writing that you can "abide" -- stay close to Jesus -- "in intellectual matters, in money matters, in every one of the matters that make human life what it is."

Here's the major challenge you will find: You will feel like you have something to do first -- before you can "abide." That's a trap! Abiding is now, not in the future. It is here, not there. Make staying close to Jesus the number one objective in your Christian journey. Learn to abide in Him.

Key Scripture Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).
Key Thought Abiding is now.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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Day 8 - WHY 30 DAYS?

30 Day Next Steps


When will the good changes begin?

When we make any kind of significant change in our lives, the first 30 days are critical. Studies show it takes this long to shed an old habit, or establish a new one.

I mention this now to encourage you to press on with this study. Let the "habit" of studying God's word, His character and His ways become well rooted. In the remaining three weeks we'll consider several more topics that are essential to forming a firm spiritual foundation and walking out the new life in Christ. These 30 days are the first installment in your adventure of a lifetime.

The reality is that you, as a new believer, can be pulled off course in a number of ways. Let's look at two major challenges and how you might respond.

  • The pull of family and friends who don't understand. In coming to Christ you've made a radical choice, the implications of which are just hitting you. Regardless of how much or how little you've said to others, they are bound to notice early indicators of your changed life. Some will be interested to know more -- an opportunity to share your faith. Others will be antagonistic. They may mock you or whisper behind your back. It's important to realize it's not you, but Christ in you, that has them agitated. There is power in Christ, and that power draws a reaction from others.
  • The best course is not to try to explain yourself or be defensive. Instead let Christ, Who now lives in you, love them through you. In time they may change, or possibly go their own way. But whatever you do, don't let others pull you back into your old ways.

  • A sense of shame you feel about things that aren't right in your life. Maybe you're in an illicit or unhealthy relationship, or abusing your body with harmful drugs. You may have long-standing issues with excessive use of alcohol or any number of other habits that aren't easily shaken. You may be saying, "I can't make it in the new life," or, "I'm not good enough," or, "There's no way I can change who I am." Please -- don't give in to these thoughts. If you stay the course, the day will come when, with the Lord's help, you will be able to break free from the habits that pull you down. Take your concerns to Jesus. Talk with Him -- friend to friend. After all, He knows all about you, and He took you to Himself just as you were. He loves you just as you are. Change is working from the inside out.

Press through for the next several weeks. I'm confident you will start seeing some amazing victories, both in yourself and even in the people and circumstances around you.

Key Scripture He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
Key Thought I will hold closely to the Lord today, and not worry about tomorrow.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


What work does God want me to do?

The true nature of God is wonderfully revealed in the life and words of Jesus. He said, "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also" (John 14:7).

In almost every other religious form or tradition, the "god" (or "gods") being worshiped is passive and abstract or merely a historical figure. In contrast, Jesus declared that the true God is alive, active and engaged. "My Father has been working until now, and I have been working" (John 5:17). God did not simply create the heavens and earth with an explosive burst of divine energy -- then back off to let creation run itself. He has remained intimately involved, infusing His sustaining power and influence in every location, every situation and every moment (see Colossians 1:17).

This reality has huge implications for how we live out His purposes. If we miss the intensity of God's direct involvement, our tendency will be either to work independently of Him (secularism) or work for Him, as "little helpers." His concept is neither. It is to work with Him. Dr. Henry Blackaby, author of Experiencing God (an excellent resource!) puts it this way: "God is at work all around us all the time. Our job is to see where He is working and join Him." The Apostle Paul refers to us as "ambassadors" who are "workers together with Him" (2 Corinthians 5:20, 6:1).

You need to grasp just how dramatic this is. The God of the universe is inviting you, indeed giving you the privilege, to join Him in His work. That's much different than your going off, doing your thing, and checking in with Him now and then. Instead, as His coworker, your "antenna" goes up and every sense is quickened, alert to His activity. Nothing is random, nor beyond His redemptive reach. For example:

  • You see the sad face of a fellow employee who has lost a loved one, and you are able to pour out God's compassion and mercy
  • You have been helped by a new book and you purchase some to give to your friends
  • A traffic jam causes you to miss a flight and you discover God had a significant reason for you to not go when you'd intended

Think about your current situation -- as a student, or as you begin your work career or start a family. Maybe you're in the midst of a job change, or planning to retire. Where you are is no accident, nor is what you are doing at this time. But maybe you're like me -- you just need to adjust your focus from "what I am doing" to what God is doing, and how, specifically, you can join Him right now in His work.
Make this shift and a whole new world of adventure, joy, peace and spiritual impact will open to you.

Key Scripture We (are) workers together with Him (2 Corinthians 6:1).
Key Thought God is at work all around me. How can I join Him?
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


How do I deal with the devil?

Yesterday our focus was on overcoming the old self, and we saw that victory comes to us as we walk in the Spirit. Today we will talk about how we deal with the devil.

I learned a great lesson early in my Christian walk. A dispute, one that seemed quite irrational, developed at our company between two senior managers. As tempers flared and harsh words burst out, it looked as though things would only get worse, not better.

Later, as I pondered the problem in the quiet surroundings of my study at home, my eyes fell on an unopened book on my bookshelf, still in its cellophane wrapper. The title intrigued me: Dealing with the Devil by C.S. Lovett. As I leafed through its pages I came across this analogy: Suppose you stood in the middle of a busy traffic intersection, wearing normal street clothes, with cars coming from all directions. You might wave your arms wildly trying to stop traffic, but before long you'd probably be run over. Imagine instead that you do the same thing, only this time change your clothing. Put on a policeman's uniform. The results would be completely different. Drivers would respect the authority represented by the uniform and do as you directed.

The author then made this point: If a believer is "clothed with Christ," he or she has authority to deal with spiritual opposition, just as the policeman does in traffic. Armed with this insight, I "put on my uniform" and prayed in Jesus' name, exerting authority over whatever unseen forces were causing dissension between the two managers. The next day I found to my amazement the problem had vanished -- as though there had never been a conflict in the first place. This incident really opened my eyes to spiritual opposition. The Bible has a great deal to say about such warfare. Let's look more closely.

The devil is a real adversary that you must reckon with. Also known as Satan, he was initially a high-ranking angel in heaven who rebelled, was cast out of heaven (see Luke 10:18) and has been in total opposition to God ever since. It was he who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden (see Genesis 3:4) and even now is the author of war, famine, murder and every vice known to mankind. Jesus called him a thief that "does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10).

Satan challenged Jesus at every turn -- from His infancy through His death. Yet Jesus was undeterred from His mission to completely defeat His ancient foe. The Apostle John said, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8). Though the enemy was a schemer and clever tactician, he made an enormous miscalculation, thinking if he could kill God's Son he would gain uncontested control of the entire world. However Jesus' death, which Satan expected to be his supreme triumph, became his ultimate downfall.

Though Satan was indeed defeated, for a while he continues to exert a measure of influence on earth. He is still behind every form of evil, perhaps with increasing intensity, sensing (correctly) the day is coming when he will be completely destroyed. Peter says Satan "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). Peter's counsel? "Resist him, steadfast in the faith" (v.9). Paul says the same: "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles (schemings) of the devil" (Ephesians 6:10,11).

Every day you will see evidence of the devil's influence around you and in world events. The good news is that in Jesus you can be an "overcomer," a phrase used often in Revelation, the final book of the Bible. James says emphatically, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). In other words, put on the policeman's uniform!

Key Scripture I (the Lord) will contend with him who contends with you (Isaiah 49:25).
Key Thought Christ’s victory is complete, and He will show me how to apply that victory each day.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


What can I expect on my journey?

Years ago, when our family would set out on a long car trip, we would be only a few miles down the road when one of our then small children would ask, "Daddy, are we there yet?"

As we begin our spiritual journey, let's not focus on how long the journey is. And let's not worry about what we'll encounter along the way, for in reality we don't know. Only God does. Rather, let us think about what's happening right now. Here are some key ideas:

  • Just as you committed your life to Jesus, He has fully committed Himself to you. He promises: "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus is with you all the time, regardless of your situation.
  • Give up the idea of instant results. Spiritual growth doesn't happen overnight, it is a process. Look for small changes: meeting a new Christian friend; making a step to curtail an annoying habit; discovering a helpful insight from the Bible.
  • Take your new life a day at a time, even moment by moment. A daily writing by Oswald Chambers, whose thoughts on the Christian life are found in a wonderful book called My Utmost for His Highest, says in his July 28 entry: "(God's) purpose is for this minute, not something in the future." Focus on where He is working in you, around you and through you right now.

Here is a caution, one we'll get into in more depth later. When Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower to His disciples (mentioned in the Introduction), He said, "The wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart" (Matthew 13:19). He was referring to the devil, or Satan -- your adversary who is always working against you.

Satan's tactic for the new believer is to pull you back from your newfound faith. He'll say: "This isn't real. You've just had an emotional experience." "You're going to lose all your friends." "Your fun days are over." It's a mental battle, and dealing with the adversary is a fact of your Christian life.

When Satan comes with doubts, fears and temptations, oppose him with words like these: "I am a child of God, redeemed from my old life by the Lord Jesus." Then pray for Jesus to help you. "Lord, help me through this battle."

Remember: by coming to Jesus you have taken a major, life-transforming step -- one you will never regret!

Key Scripture He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Key Thought My next step is the most important on my lifelong journey.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


30 Day Next Steps


Do I love myself?

Here is the "surprise" from yesterday's lesson: the reference point for loving others is our love for ourselves. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself"  (Matthew 22:39).

How should we love ourselves? Jesus' concept of loving ourselves has nothing to do with the weary drone of today's pop psychology -- "feeling good about yourself" is all that counts. Marketers blatantly link "good feelings" with acquiring everything from pep pills to protruding biceps; fabulous manicures to monster TVs; fast cars to fantastic vacation getaways.

While "good feelings" may have a place (and I'm not on a crusade against things we acquire), more often than not, acquisitions and nonstop activity are escape mechanisms that will never fully satisfy. In fact, when we try all the "elixirs" and they fall short, we often get discouraged or depressed, the result of trying to fill our emptiness in the wrong ways. God's provision transcends feelings and things. Our deepest needs are only and always fulfilled in Him. Centuries ago St. Augustine wrote, "You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You."

Now that you have come to Christ and "all things have become new," the whole matter of your self-image gets a major makeover -- and is the basis for your loving yourself. (Don't worry, you can still wear cool clothes and gel your hair!)

Here are two keys to your new self-image.

Key #1: You can't love yourself on the basis of your fallen human nature, no matter how much you beautify it, educate it or indulge it. You have to face the hard reality that apart from Christ, you are "nothing." Peter, quoting the prophet Isaiah says: "All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away" (1 Peter 1:24). In our honest moments we can identify with the Psalmist when he says, "But I am a worm" (Psalm 22:6).

Key #2: You love yourself on the basis of God's love for you. First you have to see yourself as God sees you -- as incredibly valuable to Him. He fashioned you after Himself (see Genesis 1:26). He knew you even before you were born (see Psalm 139:13-16). He loves you so much He gave Himself for you (see John 3:16). He created you to live together with Him in this life and in eternity (see 1 Thessalonians 5:10).

So how should you view yourself? You are one of God's priceless children (for He paid dearly for you through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.) You are precious in His sight, filled with His Spirit, part of His body, commissioned to fulfill His grand design for your life, the object of His great love and affection. On this basis you can feed your soul and spirit with good things, take care of your body, discipline the unruly aspects of your life, enjoy fellowship with Him and others and apply your best energies in service to Him. Though you stumble, by His grace you will learn from your mistakes, be forgiven, and ultimately finish the race set before you (see 2 Timothy 4:7).

As one who is intensely loved by God, not from a puffed-up ego, you can love yourself and then "love your neighbor as yourself."

Key Scripture Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you (set you apart) completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, Who also will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).
Key Thought I am of infinite worth because I belong to Christ.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


30 Day Next Steps


What does it mean to renew my mind?

Our scripture on Day 1 described the extent of change in our new life in Christ:

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

"All things" includes our minds. The Lord has plans to renew our minds, along with everything else!

You may say, "I have a perfectly good mind. It has been well trained and highly educated. I can reason, and think clearly. I'm not in a fog. My mind serves me well in my work. I've even received awards for creative thinking ... "

Here's the problem: Our minds were deeply impacted when mankind initially rebelled against God. This happened when Adam and Eve yielded to Satan's temptation to sin, resulting in the "Fall of Man" (see Genesis chapter 3). God's first children became thoroughly corrupted (including their minds) and we inherited their fallen condition.

Since then, we've used our best efforts, humanly speaking, to function with that which was damaged -- to compensate for what the Apostle Paul calls "a debased mind" (Romans 1:28). For example, consider how the Greeks sought to elevate the mind, as did the great Oriental thinkers, or philosophers down through the ages. Yet with all the prominence given to "thought" and "reason," they totally missed it when it came to apprehending the greatest truth ever, that there is one true God and He can be known personally.

Another example: Think about brilliant people you know -- "the smartest person in the world" -- and observe the large gaps, say in their ability to be good parents, or manage their finances, or maintain lasting friendships or use their time wisely. In spite of their great intelligence, vital aspects of an integrated life are missing. Before I became a Christian, I had concluded I wouldn't believe anything that wasn't reasonable or logical. Eventually, however, I realized that line of thinking was a barrier, not a doorway to receiving Christ. In reality, I needed a different way of thinking.

The Apostle Paul, who had a brilliant mind and was highly educated, challenged early followers of Christ (and us!) toward having "renewed minds."

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

The Lord doesn't want you to set your mind aside when you come to Him. Just the opposite. He created your mind, and wants it fully employed, but in the right kind of way. The process by which this occurs is "renewal." It is not to stop thinking, but to think biblically. It is to view things from His perspective. It is to have "the mind of Christ," and not allow your thinking to be conformed to the world. "Let this mind be in you ... " was Paul's advice to the Philippian believers (Philippians 2:5). The results are dramatically different: "To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Romans 8:16).

A great way to begin the transformation toward a renewed mind is to meditate on the scriptures. You might take the ones mentioned so far in these studies, reflect on them, even memorize them. Renewing the mind is a process, but one with great reward.

Key Scripture Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy -- meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8).
Key Thought In every circumstance and every situation, I can have the mind of Christ.
For more resources to help you grow as a Christian, you can go to
Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


Who has God linked me with?

When people become followers of Jesus, their highest priority is to nurture their new relationship with the Lord. There can be no substitute for developing a personal one-to-One bond.
Even so, as we emphasized on Day 11, we aren't supposed to be isolated, but rather joined to other believers in a common pursuit to discover God and walk in His ways. It has been said that the two sections of the cross -- the vertical and the horizontal -- symbolically represent our dual relationship with God and with others. They intersect. They are not unrelated.

Gatherings of believers -- or "churches" -- come in many packages -- from small clusters of those who gather secretly in regions where such practices are forbidden, to "mega-churches" of tens of thousands of Christians. Regardless of the configuration, it is vital for every believer to be linked with other believers. This linkage was the spontaneous response of those who came to faith on the day of Pentecost, and we need to understand how they functioned.

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine (or teaching) and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42).

Each of the four aspects of their assembling was catalytic to their growth individually and as a group:

  • Teaching kept them centered on God's word, rooted in "sound doctrine."
  • Fellowship kept them involved with one another in friendship, as well as praise, worship and testimonies to God's activity.
  • Breaking bread kept them in touch by sharing meals with each other, giving opportunity for warm dialogue and growing friendship. These meals generally took place "house to house" (v. 46), and brought whole families, including children, together in a very natural setting.
  • Prayers kept them focused as a group upon God's presence. As they offered prayers, petitions and intercession, they were able to hear His will for their lives.

If only these same elements were always present in church life today!
As a new believer, you may or may not have an existing relationship with a church fellowship. Or, you may be in a church that falls far short of being the right place for you. Sadly, many churches seem spiritually dead. Some are making serious mistakes. But you can boldly ask God to bring you together with the individuals and groups He desires for you. He knows your needs, and knows with whom you ought to be connected.

He may direct you into a format that is "unconventional." For many years our family met "from house to house" with several other families. Our children were enthusiastically involved, and the essential elements of the early church noted above were present. In many areas of the world, thousands of new churches are forming, growth is taking place and dynamic fellowship is occurring.

Jesus is intent on this kind of growth. He said, "I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (Hell) shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). Jesus' church is not in retreat, not barely getting by, not just going through the motions. Jesus' church is healthy, vibrant and strategic. He wants you to be in such a church.

Key Scripture ... not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25).
Key Thought As a new Christian, I need to be in healthy fellowship with others.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


What should I do first?

Early in our journey, we need to understand the vital distinction between religion and a relationship. Most of us have seen religion at work -- but the relationship we have with Jesus is much different. Religion tends toward the external. It is structural and rules-based. In contrast, our relationship should be personal, open, warm and liberating.

Jesus wants us to come to Him the way a little child comes to a loving parent. Anyone who has spent time around young children understands this imagery. My wife, Wendy, and I were always delighted when one of our six children would run up to us, arms outstretched for a hug -- then nestling in with their entire little bodies, completely at rest and filled with trust.

Can I ask you to do this right now? Just become a "little child" for a minute -- and come to Jesus as you would to a father or mother who deeply loves you. No requests. No expectations. You don't have to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Simply come to Him and nestle in. Stay in His presence. Experience His love for you.

Did you take time for this? Please don't go on until you do.

Let this childlike act become a lifelong habit. From that place of rest, trust and dependency you will experience the transforming power of the new life. "It is God who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13). His work is inside out, not outside in.

Sadly, many Christians have allowed religion to become a substitute for a relationship. It is an easy trap to fall into. You can get so busy "doing things for God" that you neglect the personal bond with Him.

Uncorrected, this "religious" tendency can actually become a spiritual liability. This was so in Jesus' day. Jesus reserved some of his harshest words for "professional believers" -- who became so bound with rules and regulations that their lives were consumed with hypocrisy and greed. They were blind to Jesus' desire for a relationship.

Make it your goal to stay childlike in your relationship with Jesus, even as you grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

Key Scripture Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Key Thought Jesus is a person. He wants a personal relationship with me.
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Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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30 Day Next Steps


What actually happens when I commit to following Jesus?

This is a tremendously important question. Most of us have very incomplete knowledge of what's involved in the transformed life at the time of our decision to follow Christ. But it is essential that we quickly grow in that understanding.

According to the Bible we are "born again" when we take certain steps in faith:

  • Acknowledge we have been separated from God -- living independently from Him -- and repent for staying separated. ("Repent" means to stop and completely change direction.)
  • Turn toward God and away from our former way of living
  • Personally, and verbally, ask Jesus Christ to be our Savior -- receiving Him as the One who by His death, burial and resurrection made it possible to come back to God
  • Give ourselves fully to Him, recognizing that Jesus is Lord -- the One who is entitled to all authority in our lives

This act of believing, the term used most commonly in the New Testament, is not merely mental assent but actively inviting Jesus to be our Savior and Lord with all our heart and strength. Passion is permissible!

As mentioned earlier, I reached this point of commitment after years of trying to make it on my own. I finally came to the end of myself -- and reached out to Jesus. I became a believer. I was "born again." I experienced a fresh start, a new beginning.

Though observable changes didn't take place immediately, I can look back now to see a process of gradual change -- one that began a major shift in the entire direction of my life. In a word: transformed!

Here are some of the ways the Bible describes transformation:

Out of Darkness Into Light (1 Peter 2:9)
Out of Bondage Into Freedom (Romans 8:21)
Out of Death Into Life (Romans 6:13)

On day one after your commitment to follow Jesus you may not feel any different. Don't let your feelings obscure this one major fact: a huge transition has taken place! It will take time -- maybe a lifetime -- to fully appreciate the ramifications of turning your life over to Christ -- both now and for eternity. It still overwhelms me to realize that God Himself met me as a lost, self-willed, and self-sufficient young man. The Author of all creation reached out to me, accepted me into His family and showed me His unconditional love. And that love has never diminished for a single moment since.

Don't be discouraged if you don't see the evidence right away. Stand your ground. You have embarked on a new journey. You are a new person with a new, transformed life. Your adventure of following Jesus has just begun.

Key Scripture Therefore if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Key Thought My life has changed -- forever.
For more resources to help you grow as a Christian, you can go to
Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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Sunday, July 27, 2008


30 Day Next Steps


Why does truth matter?

If we were given the opportunity to sit down with the Apostle Paul over a good cup of coffee, and if we were to ask him what energized him to press on, here's what I believe he would tell us: "I do what I do, and endure what I endure because ‘God, our Savior ... desires all men (every person on earth) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth'" (1 Timothy 2:3,4).

We might then ask Paul to comment on the question that has haunted men and women through the ages: "What is truth?" This great scholar and thinker would say, "Here is the essence of truth: ‘There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus'" (v.5).

Dare we challenge Paul at this point? "Can you really reduce the concept of truth to that one phrase?" "Yes," he would reply, "This is bedrock. Get this and the rest will follow. There aren't multiple gods. There is One, and He is a God Who can be known. There aren't multiple ways to the one true God. In fact, Jesus Himself, without a hint of arrogance said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'" (John 14:6). Ultimately, here is what Paul is telling us: Truth is not just a set of beliefs, as in other religions or philosophies. Truth is a Person. We encounter the truth as we encounter Christ.

I believe we must contend for the truth. Here's why:

  • Truth brings stability. Absent truth, the world is unhinged, leaving only chaos. Isaiah said, "Truth is fallen in the street" (Isaiah 59:14). This happens when we run from the truth, rather than embrace it.
  • Truth is freedom. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Truth matters supremely because, in the end, without truth there is no freedom. (For example, consider how repressive regimes that deny their people basic freedoms must prop themselves up by distortions and lies.)
  • Truth can be learned, actually imparted. Jesus, looking to the day the Holy Spirit would come in power, said, "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13). Isn't it reassuring to know that the Holy Spirit is with you on the path of life as your guide to all truth?
  • Truth is the surest way to avoid deception. Deception is your number one future danger. Jesus said, "Take heed that no one deceives you. False christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:4, 24). Paul said the days ahead would be marked by the "working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth" (2 Thessalonians 2:9,10). As a friend of mine says, "The only safeguard against deception is a passionate love for the truth."

Does this battle for the truth impact your world? If you are a high school student, you know lying and cheating are an art form, and that truth doesn't seem to matter. If you're on a college or university campus, you know the very idea of objective truth -- that truth can be known -- is scoffed at. If you're in business, you know truth is too often compromised. How evident this was at Enron, where many of the "best and brightest" in leadership shunned truth in their daily work.

Truth matters. You're not for sale, and truth, for you, is not for sale. In fact, truth could even be worth dying for!

Key Scripture Buy the truth and do not sell it (Proverbs 23:23).
Key Thought "Living in truth is the secret of living free" (Os Guinness, at a Veritas Forum at Stanford University). The truth sets me free.
If you would like to share Christ with a friend, you can suggest they go to where they can learn about how God could change their life.
Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

Button - Scripture

“...I will never leave you nor forsake you.. Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 14:5, 6

Button - The People

Please pray for the people of the Philippines. There are over 92 million people in the Philippines living on a number of different islands. Please pray that all the people in the Philippines may come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and that people from the Philippines will reach out to bless the entire world.

Button - The Power Of Internet

You can click here at to take a short, simple Bible study. This one is about God’s Word, the Bible. In just a few minutes you can learn from God’s word and then take a test of 6 questions. Once you click and submit your answers, you will then see what the correct answers are so you can see how you have done. We hope this short study is a blessing to you.

“...Do not be afraid.” (John 14:28) Just before Jesus died and then rose from the dead, He encouraged His disciples to not be afraid.

Would they be afraid? Yes, they might — the same Roman soldiers who would crucify Jesus could come after them. Jesus did not promise His followers they would not be persecuted.

He said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” He also told them He would send the Holy Spirit to be with them. So living without fear does not depend on our circumstances; it does not depend on living a perfect life; it does not mean we won’t have troubles.

It DOES mean that Jesus Christ will be with us. It does mean His peace can fill our hearts. It does mean that the Holy Spirit will fill us and give us power. Christ said “I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” God is with us; what can man do to us?

This week, let us pray

  • God will help you live without fear
  • God will help our staff at Global Media Outreach have complete victory over any fears
  • God will help us reach even more people so we are seeing 10,000 people a day indicate decisions for Jesus Christ

God has all power! He is able to accomplish great and mighty things in your life.

THANK YOU so much for your prayers.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

Button - Responses

This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

“Please help me; I beg you. I am so tired of feeling alone; lonely; unwanted and unsuccessful. I just want some real meaning in my life. Thank you." J, (South Africa)


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Friday, July 25, 2008


30 Day Next Steps


How am I doing at the halfway point?

We are midpoint in this 30-day study. As I think about our connection with each other through the Internet, I am both amazed and a bit mystified. Rather than taking up another topic today, I'd like to simply share a few personal thoughts.

I never imagined I'd be writing this study. Here is how it came about. Some years ago, a friend called me on a Saturday morning to watch space shuttle Columbia returning to Earth. Just 15 minutes prior to its scheduled touchdown in Florida, however, something went terribly wrong and it began to break up. In a moment, seven astronauts (six Americans and one Israeli) were lost -- just as they were coming home. Many thoughts raced through my mind, but one question gripped me: Did they know Jesus Christ? I turned off the TV that morning and began writing a little booklet about how one comes into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. I called it "Coming Home." I thought perhaps this message could help others, providing a roadmap to answer life's greatest question: How should I relate to God?

Coming Home was published and thousands of copies were distributed. It was translated into several other languages. I received comments that it really was helping people, but I wanted this message of God's love to reach many more. One day I met Mark Weimer, a California businessman who had recently joined with some other Silicon Valley business leaders to start a new venture called Global Media Outreach. Their goal was to find new ways to spread the message of the gospel over the Internet. Mark read my little booklet and proposed formatting it for the web. In February 2006, Coming Home went live on line as We purchased ads on Google and later Yahoo! to help people find the site.

As I mentioned earlier (Day 7), statistics indicate that at least one million people each day are seeking insights on the Internet into the deeper questions of life. In a remarkable way we began connecting with thousands of such people (like you) from all corners of the world -- over 170 countries within a few weeks. More than 12 percent of those visiting the site indicated that as a result of their visit, they had made a decision to follow Christ. Frankly, I was stunned. Internet technology, so often used for wrong purposes (like pornography) was becoming a means by which people throughout the Earth could find new life in Christ. We were able to track countries of inquiry, and they included the US, India, the UK, the Philippines, Nigeria, Pakistan, Canada and South Africa, and though less in number, places like Burundi, Cuba, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Fiji, Malta and Lesotho through such search words as "The meaning of life," "God," "Hope," and "Life after death."

In July, as my wife, Wendy, and I were beginning a summer vacation, I developed a strong concern for new believers, wondering what materials might be available to help you become more firmly established in your faith. When I didn't find much in the way of help, I felt strongly directed to be part of the answer. That is when I began writing this 30-day study. I consulted with Mark and he was thrilled. He, too, had been sensing the need for such material, even to the point of it covering a 30-day time span.

Now, as I write, I feel a growing "connection" with you. I can say, as Paul said to the Philippian believers, "I thank my God every time I remember you" (Philippians 1:3 NIV). You and I will likely never meet, at least not here on earth. But I want to affirm that you are dear to Wendy and me, and more importantly, you are very precious to God.

Now I want to encourage you. Keep on the journey. Don't give up! God has a wonderful adventure planned for you. Whatever you face, always remember that God is faithful. If you let Him, He will complete the process for which He created you, and fulfill every purpose for which you were redeemed.

Key Thought God has a plan for me. It’s no accident that we’ve met through the Internet.
You can watch videos of John Beckett, the author of 30 Day Next Steps, as he answers questions about how to integrate your Christian faith with your daily life. You can watch him at
Copyright © 2006 by John D. Beckett
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