Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

Button - Scripture

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

Button - The People

Please pray for the people of Pakistan. There is much unrest in the country; please pray for God's peace to come and for many people to come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Button - The Power Of Internet

The Bible is the Word of God. Just as you need food each day to do well and survive, so you need God's Word each day to grow strong as a Christian. You can click here to read God's Word online. You can search for verses or just read a chapter of the Bible anytime you wish.

Do not hurry. Sometimes we rush and hurry through life -- always trying to get quickly to the next place.

When Jesus Christ was here on this earth, He did not hurry. Even though He was the Son of God and had so much good to do for the world, He took time to spend with people. Once a woman who had been bleeding for years came up to Him and touched His clothing and was healed. Even though He was going somewhere else, He stopped and looked for her and spoke and ministered to her. He could have said "I am too busy and important and in such a hurry" -- but He slowed down and took time.

So you and I can slow down and take time to listen to Jesus. Once I was in a hurry to go somewhere and did not stop and help my neighbor who needed help moving something. If I were really listening to Jesus, I think I should have stopped and slowed down and helped my neighbor, then gone on my way.

These next few days, let us slow down a little bit and listen to God. Ask Christ how He would have you love someone around you. Spend some time with God; He is your heavenly Father and loves to spend time with you as His child.

This week, can I suggest that we pray

  • That each of us will slow down and spend time with God and love one another
  • That God will help our staff team at Global Media Outreach be filled with God's Holy Spirit and peace
  • That God would help us present the good news of Jesus Christ to a million people in the next 3 weeks

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. God has promised to hear and answer prayer. "Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will answer you." All of us at Global Media Outreach really need your prayers. We love and appreciate you.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

Button - Responses

This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

"hi..good evening to all the member of Global Media Prayer Team..i just want to thank you for sending me a weekly prayer for this moment i am crying cause your prayer is really for me,to open my heart and soul..i accept all the massage of the prayer cause i really made a big sin to our beloved God,you teach me now what i am going to do..i want to be a real christian now so.i am asking God to forgive my sin and to overcome my weaknesess by His Holy Spirit..And i also asking GOD to guide me and help me not to do a sin again,by His Holy Spirit,and in Jesus Name..Amen..thank you so much cause i realized the meaning of being a real christianlife..May God Bless You All and More Power to A Global Prayer Team..."


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