“Christ in us, the hope of glory.” Traditional religion says that we must just try harder to be good. True Christianity says that, when we accept Christ as our Savior, Jesus Christ comes to live in our hearts and lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is HIM living in us that produces goodness — and love — and joy — and peace — and happiness. When we try to live the Christian life in our own strength, we are doomed to failure. Jesus said His Father would send the Holy Spirit to teach us and live within us. So when you feel lonely and apart from God — know that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, He lives within you by the power of the Holy Spirit. “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” God is powerful...just ask Him to live His life through you! So this week, can you join us in praying that - God will release His power in your life
- God will help our staff at Global Media Outreach know His victory through Christ who lives in us
- God will bless both your finances and our finances here at Global Media Outreach
THANK YOU so much for your prayers! Know that the victorious Christ — our risen Savior — lives within all who are Christians. You can have great victory and power in your life when you release His power in your life. May God bless you, Your friends at Global Media Outreach |
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