Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

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“According to your faith will it be done to you.” Matthew 9:29

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Please pray for the people of China. This is the world’s largest country in population, with 1.3 billion people. Some people in China are atheists; others are coming to faith in Christ. Please pray for the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit and draw people to Himself.

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Click here to watch the series “10 Things Every New Believer Should Know.” These 10 short (2 minutes or so each), thought provoking videos by Jim Dennison covers such topics as how to resist temptation in your life.

As Christians, we can be optimists. What is an optimist? An optimist is someone who believes that things will turn out well.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, how can we believe that things will turn out well? We must be realistic — we know there is still pain and suffering in the world.

At the same time, we know that God is loving and He is in control. Someday He will end this present time on earth and set up His kingdom where He will rule, and all death and sorrow will be done away. We also know that we have His Holy Spirit living in our lives as Christians this very day, and we can trust in Him and pray to Him always. We also know that our sins are forgiven when we accept Jesus Christ as Savior.

What can help us be optimistic? In the book of Philippians chapter 4, Paul says “Rejoice in the Lord always.” He then says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Then he says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.”

So God can help us to be optimistic as we: 1) Rejoice in the Lord always; 2) Do not be anxious, but pray about everything with thanksgiving; 3) Put our mind on good things.

This week, let us pray:

  • God will help us have a positive mental outlook
  • God will bring physical healing to someone near to you
  • God will protect our staff at Global Media Outreach and surround us in His great love

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. God hears and answer prayers; so, as you pray, we are covered and protected in God’s love. You can let us know how we can pray for you by hitting “reply” and sending us your prayer requests, and one of our volunteers will pray for you.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

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This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

"I really needed this cause im going threw so much right now due to the fact i just lost my mother a couple of days ago and i really was feeling like giving up thank u i really needed to do that" USA


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Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

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“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

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Please pray for the people of Iceland. Iceland is one of the world’s smallest countries, located in the ocean northwest of Great Britain. This year the country of Iceland has had many financial reverses; please pray that God will bring many people in Iceland to Himself through these more difficult times.

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Here is how you can be joyful — click here and you can learn from Joyce Bartholomew how you can have the joy of God in any circumstance.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.” The apostle Paul wrote these words about 2,000 years ago. When he wrote these words, he was in prison for telling others about Jesus.

How could someone say to rejoice — to be happy — even when in prison? He could say that because his joy, his happiness, came from Jesus Christ. When you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, here are just some of the things you can rejoice about. You are a child of God You will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ when you die Your sins are forgiven God loves you and wants the very best for you God will hear and answer your prayers The God of the entire universe is good, and loving, and kind God has given you the gift of the Holy Spirit to live in your life The fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life is love, and joy, and peace, and so much more

That is why Paul said rejoice in the Lord — because the source of our joy is God. The source of our joy is not our circumstances. And because of that, we can rejoice always — not just some of the time or when our circumstances are good.

So this week, let us rejoice. And let us pray

  • God will bring joy through the Holy Spirit into your life
  • God will bring joy to our team here at Global Media Outreach
  • God will help us bring millions to Jesus and they will experience God’s love, joy, and forgiveness this year

THANK YOU so much for your prayers. We are reaching many with the gospel, and some day in heaven we will meet and we can say THANK YOU in person for how much your prayers have contributed spiritual power to make this happen.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

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This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

"I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for ever existing in our lives. I thank this website for reaching me in time of need. I thought I gave my life truthfully. Now I understand as a full adult what it really means in my life. Thank you so much." J, California


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Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

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“It is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.” 1 Peter 3:17

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Please pray for the people of Ethiopia. Ethiopia has a long history in Africa and was one of the first countries to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Please pray that the love of God would be poured out on Ethiopia and many people would come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

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Would you like to know how God can help a marriage that is failing? If you click here. you can watch the story of how God’s love put back together a marriage that was falling apart.

“Be strong in the Lord.” Where does our strength come from?

We may think we are strong because of our money, or our health, or our good looks, or our position. But all these things can fade. Money can go away; our health may fail; we all get older; and we may lose our position.

But God will never fail us. When we ask Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior, He comes into our lives by the power of His Holy Spirit. Jesus now lives in your life and in your heart — and He is stronger than anything in this universe. So you do not need to be discouraged, or downcast, no matter what happens. God is your strength — a very present help in times of trouble.

How do you access God’s strength? Through having faith in God’s Word by the power of the Holy Spirit. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him; and He will direct your path.

So this week, let us pray

  • God will give you strength to “stand strong in the Lord” no matter what the circumstance
  • God will encourage our staff team at Global Media Outreach and fill us with His joy
  • God will help us present the gospel to millions more this year — and help people grow in Christ

As we begin this new year, THANK YOU so much for your prayers. They are a tremendous source of the spiritual strength that we need as we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the whole world.

May God bless you,

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

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This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

"what should i do to accept God with all my heart." J, Philippines


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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weekly Global Media Outreach Prayer Letter

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"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." (Ephesians 4:22 - 24)

Button - The People

Please pray for the people of Ecuador. Ecuador is right on the equator in South America and has many wonderful people. Please pray for God's blessing over Ecuador; that there would be a tremendous revival of the Holy Spirit throughout the country; and that the light of Jesus Christ would shine forth from Ecuador to the nations.

Button - The Power Of Internet

At, you can enter "Josh McDowell" in the search bar in the upper left of the website and you will find a whole series of short videos to help you live a victorious Christian life. The teacher is Josh McDowell, who is a strong Christian who has spoken all over the world and written over 100 books.

God says that someday He will make everything new. Right now, on this earth, we still need to live on the old earth -- but He can make our hearts new each day!

As we begin this new year, let us put aside the things of our flesh and put on the things of the Spirit. While we will still have problems in 2009, we can have the joy and love and peace of Christ in our hearts.

We can also put aside our sins and ask Christ to forgive them and give us clean new hearts so that we can strive to do the will of God. You do not need to keep committing the same sins over and over again. Let us resolve and ask God in 2009 to get great victory over our sins -- and to have His love and joy in our lives.

So you can have joy and victory in Jesus Christ in 2009. Our prayer for you is that 2009 will be the best year of your life so far. With Jesus Christ as your Savior, you know that you have the promise of eternal life in heaven with Christ. So, let us pray that

  • That someday soon everyone in the world would know the true meaning of Christmas — that Jesus is born!
  • God will help you love even your enemies in 2009
  • God will bless our staff team at Global Media Outreach with His peace and love and joy and harmony
  • God will help us see millions of people accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in 2009

Even when bad things happen, God can be triumphant. So you may still have problems in 2009, but God can help you be "more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us." THANK YOU for your prayers in 2008!!! And may God bless you richly in 2009.

Your friends at Global Media Outreach

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This is an actual response received at one of our Web sites:

Dear friends and brethren at Global Media Outreach,I want to thank God for leading me to know you.You have been a great inspiration to me,your messages have helped a lot by drawing me more and more closer to the Lord and I am managing to deal with my weaknesses now in the way of God than ever before.May the Lord give you all great peace and joy this christmas and always, as you endeavour to be a blessing to many many more! Amen


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